The Reasons I work from Home

desktopI need to work from home on my computer because I have faced the fact that I am unemployable!

What are the reasons I work from home; Why you may ask? Well for several reasons:

At my age, health conditions are a factor; Bad back, Poor eye sight, Frequent Doctor Hide-my-on-eggsappointments, and Short term memory issues (I can now hide my own Easter Eggs) – to name a few, you get the idea.

My Social Security income just barely covers my monthly living expenses if I don’t eat too much or have any unexpected bills, so I needed more money to live on.

I have always worked hard, but after working almost 50 years, I needed a job where I can set my own schedule and reap the fruits of my own labor.

I wanted a job where I can work from home on my computer! (You can read more of my personal journey on the ABOUT ME page.)

 I want to work from home on my computer!

You are not alone and your reasons may be different from mine. Maybe you are a stay at home Mom or Dad, Retired on a fixed income, a Veteran trying to make ends meet, a student who needs a part time job, or just underemployed, Sound familiar? (Share your reasons with us).

 I built this site to share with you my experiences, good and bad, in finding a way to make money from home. I spent a lot of time and money attempting to find an honest and inexpensive way to earn an extra income. (You can tell us about your experiences here, too).

There are a few things we can all agree on. Honestly, nothing is really free, there are costs involved in everything we do: our time, the internet, our tools, etc. The idea is to take advantage of those “limited Free Offers” where we can and stay within our budget. Start small with our initial investment and grow with profits.

“Thought creates Action, Action creates Results” and results for us means income!

We need a plan for our business!Under-employed

First our Goal or Mission:

I am serious about making money with my honest internet business.

Second our Commitment:

I am willing to fail a little to win a lot and am not afraid to work hard. I know nothing is “Get Rich Quick” and I will keep to my work schedule.

Third our Budget:

I am able to allocate a fixed minimum amount monthly to start my business without causing financial stress to myself or family. (Say $60 to $100 a month, I built this site for less than $40 out of pocket startup cost and only $47 monthly thereafter but I make money with the affiliate links on this site, I’ll show you more about that as we move forward).

 If the honest answer is yes then you can follow the same path as I have. I don’t say this to scare you, only to dispel the illusions that you may have gotten from any scam sites. They just aren’t being up front with us.

Everybody knows something about something they are passionate about; this is called a “niche market”. I will be posting reviews about acceptable online business and what I think are Bad deals.

If you have already researched “the opportunities” then let’s begin your educational journey right now on my Training Center Tab.

If you have any questions about Getting Started online, I would love to help!  Just leave them below!

2013.meThanks for stopping by:

William_trasparentI decided to follow the successful people in the “Work from Home” business and “went back to school” to copy their success and make money at the same time! Wealthy Affiliate was my choice. It’s the only program I recommend. My Dream is now a Money Making Machine. Take the Test Drive now for free!



  • Matt T says:

    I appreciate your honesty concerning why you need to work from home – and your story probably resonates with many other individuals in similar situations as well. The good news is it’s certainly possible to achieve, but it’s not a get rich quick strategy. I started in online business a couple years ago and my monthly income has steadily grown since then, but I haven’t quite achieved “full-time” status yet. How much success have you been able to achieve with your website(s) thus far?

    • William says:

      Just like you Matt, I’m looking at the long term. Building my niche in LED lighting, Green smart energy savings and of course WA training. while I’ve gotten 25 referrals, they’re not keepers, only a couple even added a profile picture. LOL

      Thanks for the comment, 🙂 William

  • Mike L says:

    Wow william. Frankly speaking this is the most honest site i’ve ever been. You gave a TRUE and Honest feel to me and you’ve relate whatever that happens to you to share it with your potential audiences.

    I hope more people will see this and relate your similar story with them and eventually do what you do best now.

    I hope you’re doing well now and looking forward to your success.


    • William says:

      Thank you Mike for your kind words! Wealthy Affiliate has been a life saver for me as I didn’t know the marketing methods to get my niches in front of people with the same interests. It was herd work but worth it for me, I can now pay all of my bills thanks to the Great resources!

      William 🙂

  • Jennie says:

    Your site is very well thought out and I like your straight, honest approach 🙂

  • Frank Cappella says:

    Don’t have a personal website but love yours! Very well thought out and precise. Great presentation and very informative. But I would expect nothing less from you!

  • Debra Larkin says:

    Great post ! Your very upfront and honest personality shows through. I too am of the age when I’m worried about my quality of life should I ever not work. Too many mistakes but I’m still here. The look of this site is awesome!

  • Charles Reynolds says:

    You explain your reasons for seeking work online. Your reasons are very believable and down to earth. There are many people in the same economic situation as you are and can relate to how you are changing your life by applying yourself to make yourself a better life. Many visitors to your site will probably say to themselves if he is starting to make money online I can do it too. You then suggest to them to try the free version of Wealthy Affiliate as a way to start their own online business. What I have explained above is a very honest and straight forward method of introducing people to a way of creating their own online business.

    • admin says:

      Thank you Charles for taking the time to comment on my site. I figured since I can’t very well remember sometimes; my that my best approach would be to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. LOL

      I honestly believe that there are a lot of well meaning online programs out there but the Wealthy Affiliate features provide a wonderful starting place to learn both the basics and thru the affiliate community access, ever more advanced assistance in the premium option that will more than pay for itself. William 🙂

      • Matthew says:

        I think this is among the most vital info for me. And i am glad reading your atlicre. But want to remark on few general things, The site style is wonderful, the atlicres is really nice : D. Good job, cheers

  • Michael Hills says:

    I like your page. It sounds like it really makes sense for you to work from home. I’m not sure if I can do this. You mentioned commitment. I believe that it is not that easy to create wealth online like some people say. I think it is possible for sure. But what do you think is the best way to stay the course, to stay committed over time? So many people set out, me included, with a big plan, and lose focus, don’t you think?

    • admin says:

      Thank you Michael for your kind words. “If it was easy, then everyone would do it.” You’ve heard that before, I’m sure. It’s true that there is a lot of success stories out there and a lot more sad tales. I’m of the mindset that is someone else can do it then they put their pants on one leg at a time just like me. So if I understand that it takes time to reach the top of mountain, one step an hour, day or week; I’m going to set a schedule I can live with a keep it come “Hxll or high water”. I have committed to Myself that I want this, not need or wish but WANT this. To tell the truth, I like me more that I am willing to let anyone else know so I will do this. LOL

      (he said looking sternly into his mirror!) To answer your question, I have set out a schedule I know I can keep and still do the other everyday things I think I want to do. At my age I only do things I enjoy and I enjoy doing something that others couldn’t! (He said three time to himself every time He gets confused!) Thanks again Michael, hope this little trick helps you too.

      William 🙂

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