You have read my reasons (About Me) but why do you want to work from home online? Is it because you have no choice, do you need extra money to make ends meet or do you just want to?
Not too long ago, your only choice to earn an income was to travel to your place of work through traffic nightmares in “Rain, Hail, Sleet or Snow”. But today, the internet has opened up endless possibilities for you and you don’t have to be a computer genius either! Shoot, look at this web page, does it look like “Bill Gates’ work? Didn’t think so, but it gets the message across and I built it in a couple of weeks. Actually it was basically up in 3 days, but as I learned more in my studies I added to it.
The overall median income (wikipedia) in the United States for persons over the age of 15 is about $28,000 to $35,000, and the average retiree income is only $32,000 according to the AARP. Makes my Social Security Check look downright sad! The point is that we all could use more money to make ends meet. My monthly expenses were $500 over my income, so I had to do something and I started studying.
Forrest Gump said, well something like, “Life Happens” and Boy-O-Boy truer words were never spoken by man or beast! Whether you are un-employed, under employed, in a toxic work environment, retired, broke, crippled or blind, you have made the decision that you just need to work from home.
The next decision you have to make is that you want to work from home. Aside from the driving force that you need, want, or have to make more money, you better like the way you are going to do it. We spend so much of our lives working, that doing something we enjoy will make it a lot easier. Make no mistake about it, anything worthwhile will take time. The successful online businesses took hard work but when they did and like
it, then it paid off. You will “reap what you sow” as my Sainted Father used to say.
Now change that:
“I need to work from Home”
Please share with us the reasons you WANT to work from Home in the comment box below, it may make some of us feel better about our own problems. “I thought I had a problem with my feet until I met someone with no feet”. Did you notice the recurring theme of having to learn about working online from a free trusted source? If you feel that you want to take action now then let’s begin your educational journey right now Here on my Training Center Tab.
If you have any questions about Getting Started online, I would love to help! Just leave them in the comment box below!
Thanks for stopping by:
Who wouldn’t want to work from home on their computers and make some money online?! 🙂
My main reasons are because I’m tired of my job, I deserve a better life and I want to be in charge of my own income for a change instead of it being decided by employers!!
Thanks, I’ll look into your training center.
Hi Neil, I feel your pain, be sure to read all of the articles and training links to get a good foundation, this is not “get rich quick” but it is a method to work for yourself, (the hardest boss you’ll ever have is you, LOL). If I can answer any questions or help you start with a free trial and web site, just let me know. William 🙂
Loads of different reasons – I wouldn’t know where to start really! I see the most change in productivity. An office seems to be a hard place to work and concentrate for me! While meetings and interruptions to catch up are everywhere the friendships lead to distractions and low productivity! I work perfectly at home in silence!
Hi Chris, Thanks for sharing your view with us. Your not alone, I’ve also had trouble in the past being productive at times in the office environment. In my case, of course, I really didn’t have much choice but the Wealthy Affiliate Training has allowed me to exceed my goals!
Best of luck to you.
William 🙂
This article is very logical and quite practical. I’m also trying to make the work from home online stuff work. I’ve been at this for a little while, however, I’ve never looked at it from the perspective that your article presents. Apparently, almost everyone can benefit from working from home in some way. I’ve also developed some interest in profit sharing. I need to learn some the legal and financial stuff related to profit sharing first. Have you done any profit sharing? If so, what resources would you recommend.
You know, I haven’t looked into “Profit Sharing”, but now that you mention it I wounder if anyone else could enlighten us with their experience?
William 🙂
Hi William,
I think it everyone’s dream to be able to stick it to the man and work from home. More time with the family and more time to enjoy the finer things in life.
The one thing I know, as with everything in life, it will not come easy, but when you are at that point where you can quit your job, it will be absolutely worth it!
Great article.
CJ, I agree with you 100%. nothing worthwhile is easy in this life. I work every day towards that goal.
William 🙂